Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
SAP&DC is an Economic Development District (EDD), as designated by the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) under the U.S. Department of Commerce. As an EDD, SAP&DC is required to maintain an updated Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) document and an active CEDS Committee behind it. An approved CEDS is a requirement for EDA funding of economic development projects.
The CEDS is a strategy-driven regional planning effort that promotes and coordinates economic development. It involves detailed socioeconomic background studies and the drafting of prioritized strategies, goals, objectives, and measurable outcomes for regional economic development, resiliency, and equity. It involves outreach to and participation from county governments, local governments, economic development organizations, labor unions, institutions of higher education, workforce developers, community organizations, non-profits, utilities, and businesses.
2025-2029 CEDS
Advancing the Alleghenies, the Southern Alleghenies Region Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), 2025-2029 is a data-driven regional planning effort that is intended to promote and coordinate economic development across our six counties over the next five years. It is required for the region to receive Economic Development Administration funding, and is used to support many other federal and state funding applications. The 2025-2029 CEDS and its analyses, goals, objectives, strategies, measurable outcomes, and implementation partners has been completed and is available below.
Document: Final 2025-2029 CEDS
CEDS Committee
The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Committee is responsible for economic development planning in the region. The CEDS Committee prepares and updates the CEDS. The Committee represents major interests of the region to ensure that viewpoints from all components of the community are considered. It leverages local skills and resources when developing and implementing the CEDS.
Updated January 2024
Name | Affiliation | County or Affiliation |
Natalie Toma | Penn Highlands Community College | Higher Education Representative |
Marty Malone | ACTS – Altoona Office, Blair County | Private Sector Representative |
Kellie Shaffer | Bedford County Chamber of Commerce | Private Sector Representative |
Blake Fleegle | Westwood Plaza Theatre, Cambria County | Private Sector Representative |
Diana McClure | Keller Engineers, Blair County | Private Sector Representative |
Jennifer Sklodowski | Director, Southern Alleghenies Workforce Development Board | Workforce Representative |
Beth Futrick | Cherry Hill Farm/Blair Cty Conservation District, Blair County | Agriculture Representative |
Rick Truscello | Resident, Cambria County | Private Sector Representative |
Larry Myers | Schneider Electric, Bedford County | Private Sector Representative |
Stephen McKnight | Altoona Blair County Development Corporation | Economic Development Representative |
Matthew Price | Huntingdon County Convention and Visitors Bureau | Tourism Industry Representative |
Paul Johnston | Fulton Industrial Development Association | Economic Development Representative |
Karen Gnagey | Aon Investment Consulting, Somerset County | Private Sector Representative |
Lee Slusser
Director Planning & Community Development
CEDS Documents