Broadband Task Force

Broadband Task Force

The Regional Broadband Task Force was recently created as part of the newly adopted Regional Comprehensive Plan, Alleghenies Ahead. The need for broadband stretches across the entire six-county Southern Alleghenies Region, and this task force was put in place to help find a solution to provide residents, businesses, hospitals, and schools with faster, more reliable internet service.

Mission Statement: “The mission of the Southern Alleghenies Regional Broadband Task Force is to create a comprehensive action plan that guides affordable, reliable network implementation for all businesses and residents in the six-county region.”

The Southern Alleghenies Broadband Task Force is led by Chair, Commissioner Jeff Thomas. The group is comprised of elected officials, representatives from the private sector, and other community leaders and includes four subcommittees. These subcommittees are Outreach, Funding and Research, Technical Expertise, and Data and Mapping. Outreach is charged with educating elected officials and other groups on the issues that are important to broadband deployment in the region. The funding and research committee includes SAP&DC staff, county planners, and educators. This group will identify funding opportunities, provide grant writing assistance, and research models that have been successful in other rural parts of the country.  The Technical Expertise subcommittee is comprised of telecom professionals who provide the necessary technical information and knowledge needed to advance connectivity in the region. Lastly, the Data and Mapping subcommittee will research existing broadband infrastructure and create regional broadband maps and tools that will assist the Task Force in making informed decisions.

Contact: Zachary Lee, Regional Planner | | (814) 949-6532.

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