Current RFPs
Saxton Trail Connectivity Study Request for Proposals – SAP&DC has received a DCNR C2P2 grant to complete the Saxton Trail Connectivity Study. The total amount of funding available for the project is $90,000. The deadline for the submission of a proposal is 4PM on Saturday, November 23, 2024.
ELSa-M3 Request for Proposals – SAP&DC has received a US Department of Transportation Strengthening Mobility and Revolutionizing Transportation (SMART) grant to complete the Emergency Life Saving through Multi-modal Mobility (ELSa-M3) project in Cambria and Somerset counties. SAP&DC has $1,364,711 available for a contracting team to help complete the project in conjunction with County partners. The deadline for submission is 4PM on Saturday, November 23, 2024.