Executive Committee

Executive Committee

Southern Alleghenies Planning & Development Commission (SAP&DC) has three “standing committees”, with one of these being the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee serves as a decision-making “arm” of the Board of Directors, meeting as may be necessary in lieu of the Board of Directors and/or at the call of the SAP&DC President.

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021

Mr. Jay Cessna
Cessna Communications

Mrs. Sharon Clapper
Clapper’s Industries, Inc.

Honorable Josh Lang
Bedford County Commissioner

Honorable Scott Walls
Huntingdon County Commissioner

Honorable Bruce Erb
Blair County Commissioner

Honorable Stuart L. Ulsh
Fulton County Commissioner

Honorable Scott Hunt
Cambria County Commissioner

Honorable Gerald Walker
Somerset County Commissioner

Ms. Beth McGregor
Saint Francis University

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