Gov & Non-Profit Transportation Planning Funding Opportunities

Gov & Non-Profit Transportation Planning Funding Opportunities


TIGER Grants
The Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery, or TIGER Discretionary Grant program, is a competitive funding program administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation to advance road, rail, transit, and port projects that will achieve critical national objectives. TIGER projects are multi-modal, multi-jurisdictional, or are otherwise challenging to fund through existing programs.

Transportation Alternatives (TA) Set-Asides
The Transportation Alternatives Program offers funding opportunities to help expand transportation choices and enhance the transportation experience through small, community-based transportation and recreation activities related to surface transportation. TA activities are federally funded projects that expand travel options by enhancing the transportation infrastructure through cultural, historic, aesthetic and environmental improvements.

PennDOT Multi-Modal Transportation Fund (MTF)
The PennDOT MTF provides grants to ensure that a safe and reliable system of transportation is available to the residents of this commonwealth. Significant projects with total costs between $100,000 and $3,000,000 are eligible for award. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to: coordinating land use with transportation assets, pedestrian safety, improving connectivity or utilization of existing transportation assets, and transit-oriented development.  The program may fund 70% of the project cost, requiring a 30% match

Department of Community and Economic Development Multi-Modal Transportation Fund (MTF)
The DCED MTF mirrors the PennDOT MTF guidelines.  Applications are received between March 1st and July 31st of each year.

Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) Local Access Road (LAR) Program
ARC’s LAR program is focused on economic development of Appalachia through improved access to economic generators. SAP&DC assists applicants with the process across the six-county region, including Blair and Cambria. The state receives up to $3,000,000 per year for award via a competitive process. No matching funds are required.

Green Light Go (GLG) Program
The GLG Program is designed to improve safety and mobility by reducing congestion and improving the efficiency of existing traffic signals on state and local highways. The Program is a competitive application and reimbursement grant program requiring a 20% match from applicants

Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) Program
ARLE is a statewide program funded by Philadelphia Parking Authority through revenue generated by automated red light enforcement violations in the City of Philadelphia. The Authority deducts all operation and maintenance costs prior to depositing the remaining revenues into a restricted Motor License Fund account. The balance of revenues generated in the restricted Motor License Fund account is eligible for use as part of the ARLE Funding Program. The Department will post yearly revenues available for the ARLE Funding Program into the Pennsylvania Bulletin each spring prior to the submission of applications. No matching funds are required.

Low Interest Loans

Pennsylvania Infrastructure Bank (PIB)
The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Bank is a PennDOT-operated program that provides low-interest loans to help fund transportation projects within Pennsylvania. The goal of PIB is to leverage state and federal funds, accelerate priority transportation projects, spur economic development, and assist local governments with their transportation needs.

For information or assistance with all grant and low interested loan programs, please contact:
Lee Slusser
(814) 949-6543


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