Gov Transportation Planning

Gov Transportation Planning

SAP&DC serves as the state designated Rural Planning Organization (RPO) responsible for transportation planning and programming for the four rural counties of Bedford, Fulton, Huntingdon, and Somerset. In cooperation with these four rural counties and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, SAP&DC establishes the region’s transportation priorities. These priorities are incorporated into the development and maintenance of the Southern Alleghenies Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Twelve Year Plan (TYP) and the Long Range Transportation Plan. Additionally, the Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and The Coordinated Transit and Human Services Plan are developed and maintained periodically.  SAP&DC coordinates public participation activities related to the development of each these transportation plans and programs.

SAP&DC staff is available to provide transportation-related planning, mapping, and technical assistance to local governments and non-profits within the region.

For more infomation on Transportation Planning, see the Transportation pages in the Government & Non-Profit section on our website.

Contact: Matt Bjorkman
Transportation Program Manager

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