Job Seekers

Job Seekers

The Southern Alleghenies Workforce Development Board (SAWDB) supports a variety of programs available to adults, dislocated workers and youth. Those programs are directed at helping individuals identify their interests and abilities through skills assessments, including WorkKeys, basic and vocational skill development and all aspects of job search assistance.

Job seekers access the services by contacting the PA CareerLink® in their county.  There are trained counselors on staff to guide individuals through the process.  Counselors can provide one-on-one assistance with setting short and long-term career goals, and offer support through all facets of the job search process, from resume development to preparing for the interview and accepting the job offer.

All of the services are offered free of charge and can be accessed by contacting one of the PA CareerLinks® listed below:

PA CareerLink® Bedford County814-623-6107
PA CareerLink® Blair County814-940-6201
PA CareerLink® Cambria County          814-533-2493
PA CareerLink® Huntingdon County  814-641-6408
Fulton County Office    717-485-5131
PA CareerLink® Somerset County   814-445-4161
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