Keystone Opportunity Zone

Keystone Opportunity Zone

A Pennsylvania Keystone Opportunity Zone (KOZ) is a defined, parcel-specific geographic area designated by local governments and approved by the State as free of specific local school district, municipal and State taxes. Property owners, residents, and businesses benefit from greatly reduced state and local taxes on these properties. The goal of the KOZ Program is to revive economically distressed urban and rural communities with this powerful market-based incentive.

KOZs have been designated by local communities and approved by the State, and are, in fact, a partnership between each community and region among state and local taxing bodies, school districts, economic development agencies and community-based organizations. Binding ordinances and resolutions were passed granting the waiver, abatement or exemption of specific state and local taxes.

In 1999, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania designated 12 KOZs throughout the state. The Southern Alleghenies KOZ was one of the 12 Zones designated at that time.


The Department of Community and Economic Development provides the organizational framework, including the certification and operational oversight of KOZs. Additionally, the Center for Local Government Services and the Department of Revenue provides expertise for their program areas. Each local jurisdiction has designated a single point of contact for zone facilitation. For the Southern Alleghenies KOZ, the KOZ Coordinator: Lee Slusser
Director Planning & Community Development

For more information about KOZ check out the documents below or visit

KOZ Documents

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