Local Management Committee

Local Management Committee

The Southern Alleghenies Local Management Committee (LMC) is comprised of representatives from the region’s six County Assistance Offices, the Commonwealth’s Bureau of Workforce Development Partnership (BWDP), local education and economic development agencies, and lastly, Southern Alleghenies Planning and Development Commission (SAP&DC ) serving as the Local Workforce Investment Area Fiscal Agent.  The LMC manages and directs the operation of contracted welfare programs on the local level.  This includes programmatic decisions, particularly those associated with the delivery of services, the bidding and selection of subcontractors, the provision of case management, and the job placement, job retention strategies, and participation rates for the Welfare Programs.



Ms. Heather Saly

Ms. Gwen Fisher

Ms. Barbara Covert

Mr. Steven Howsare

Mr. Lawrence Goetz

[To Be Named]

Mr. Michael Holp

Mr. Joseph Beeler

Ms. Wendy Clevenger

Mr. Shawn Wesner

Bureau of Workforce Development Partnership

Bureau of Workforce Development Partnership

Huntingdon Employment & Training


Penn Highlands Community College

Cambria County Assistance Office

Somerset County Assistance Office

Huntingdon County Assistance Office

Bedford and Fulton County Assistance Office

Blair County Assistance Office

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