Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)

The Southern Alleghenies Rural Planning Organization’s (RPO) Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) outlines a vision for the region’s transportation system over a 25-year horizon. The Plan identifies the region’s transportation assets, highlights current and future transportation needs, outlines a series of goals and objectives to fulfill those needs, and identifies a fiscally constrained list of planned projects. The LRTP is used to guide decisions during the development of the Twelve Year Plan (TYP) and Transportation Improvement Program (TIP).

SAP&DC, in coordination with PennDOT and the four rural counties of Bedford, Fulton, Huntingdon, and Somerset, have developed the FY 2017-2041 LRTP. The Plan was developed with input from key stakeholders and the public throughout the process. The Southern Alleghenies Rural Transportation Coordinating Committee (RTCC) adopted the Southern Alleghenies RPO 2017-2041 LRTP on November 2, 2017.  The next plan update will be in November of 2022.

LRTP Documents

Section 8 Plan Modification and Updates.pdf
Section 7 Performance Measures.pdf
Section 6 Financial Strategy.pdf
Section 5 Vision, Goals, and Objectives.pdf
Section 4 Regional Transportation Inventory.pdf
Section 3 Trends, Issues, Implications.pdf
Section 2 Plans and Policies.pdf
Section 1 Introduction.pdf
LRTP Outline.pdf
Introductory Page.pdf
ADA Notice
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