Plans, Reports and Publications

The following are plans, reports and publications produced by the Southern Alleghenies Planning and Development Commission.

2025-2029 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

Advancing the Alleghenies, the Southern Alleghenies Region Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), 2025-2029 is a data-driven regional planning effort that is intended to promote and coordinate economic development across our six counties over the next five years. 

Alleghenies Outdoors: Moving the Recreation Economy Forward – March 2024

Alleghenies Outdoors: Moving the Recreation Economy Forward is an effort to define the current outdoor economy of Alleghenies region of Pennsylvania, to examine its strengths, weaknesses, and areas of opportunity, and to lay out a set of principles, strategies, and actions that can serve as catalysts.
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The Southern Alleghenies Rural Planning Organization (RPO) 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Document – January 2024

The 2024-2025 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) describes the transportation-related policies, procedures, and activities to be completed by the Southern Alleghenies Planning & Development Commission (SAP&DC) and the RPO for a one-year period between July 1, 2024, and June 30, 2025.

Alleghenies Ahead on Housing: A Regional Housing Strategy – February 2023

SAP&DC has completed a Regional Housing Strategy which examines the current supply and demand of the housing market in the Southern Alleghenies region, presents a vision for how the regional housing market can be improved, and provides a Regional Housing Toolkit which identifies strategies for implementing the Housing Strategy. 

Southern Alleghenies Recovery and Resiliency Plan – March 2022

SAP&DC completed a Recovery and Resilience Plan that assessed the impact of COVID-19 on the Region and provided a framework for guiding our response efforts. 

Southern Alleghenies Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan – December 2021

The Southern Alleghenies Rural Planning Organization (RPO) is charged with administering a multimodal transportation program, addressing not only the region’s highway and bridge infrastructure, but also the elements that support walking and bicycling.

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy – 2020

A Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) is designed to coordinate public sector and private sector planning and investments into a well-planned “roadmap” to guide initiatives for diversifying and strengthening a regional economy. This CEDS is for the six-county Southern Alleghenies Region.

Alleghenies Ahead: Regional Comprehensive Plan – Adopted 2018

Alleghenies Ahead, the region’s six-county Comprehensive Plan, is a collaborative effort to implement strategies that will boost the region’s ability to create and compete for jobs, attract and retain residents, and become a place with stronger and more vital communities.

Southern Alleghenies Greenways and Open Spaces Network Plan – May 2007

The Southern Alleghenies Greenways and Open Space Network Plan (the Plan) outlines a series of policies and projects for linking existing natural and man-made resources within the region’s six counties.

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