Readiness Assessment

Readiness Assessment

The nine questions below provide a self-evaluation and a preliminary benchmark for business development to help determine if a company could be a viable government contractor or if certain issues would prohibit a company from successfully entering the government marketplace.

Though potentially lucrative, government contracting requires a substantial amount of time and resource commitment.  Therefore, businesses interested in entering the government marketplace should consider the following questions to determine their potential for success as a government contractor.

  1. Do you have steady and/or growing commercial market sales that can support a new market venture?
  2. Is the company well established and have the necessary experienced staff, appropriate tooling and overall resources to fulfill government contract requirements?
  3. Do you have an active strategic plan and staff willing to implement government contracting sales?
  4. Is the company financially solvent with no legal judgments?  Do you have available lines of credit, appropriate assets, and set accounting standards?
  5. Does the company have a defined marketing radius and designated marketing staff?
  6.  Do you have an established quality control program with written procedures and staff designated to implement it?
  7. Is the company Electronic Commerce (EC) capable?  What is the company’s level of computer literacy?
  8. Are your competitors active in the government marketplace?
  9.  Have you considered teaming with similar businesses to pursue government contract sales?
  10. Have you considered pursuing government subcontracting opportunities before entering the marketplace as a prime vendor?

To discuss the results of the assessment, and for a more complete marketing analysis, please contact the APEX Accelerator SAP&DC via email at

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