SAP&DC serves as the Rural Planning Organization (RPO) responsible for transportation planning and programming in partnership with PennDOT and the four rural counties of Bedford, Fulton, Huntingdon, and Somerset.
The Rural Transportation Coordinating Committee (RTCC) serves as the authority for all regional transportation planning activities. The RTCC reviews and provides final approval for the Southern Alleghenies Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), the Twelve Year Plan (TYP) and the Long Range Transportation Plan.
The RTCC includes 8 voting members:
- 4 County Commissioners, one from each rural county
- 1 PennDOT District 9-0 District Executive
- 1 Representative from SAP&DC (Executive Director)
- 1 Representative from PennDOT Central Office
- 1 Rural Transportation Technical Committee Chairperson
Voting Members
Name | Organization | Committee Role |
Vince Greenland | PennDOT District 9-0 | PennDOT Local – Chair |
Jeff Thomas | Huntingdon County Commissioner | Huntingdon County Representative – Vice Chair |
J.R. Winck | Bedford County Commissioner | Bedford County Representative |
Hervey Hann | Fulton County Commissioner | Fulton County Representative |
Brian Fochtman | Somerset County Commissioner | Somerset County Representative |
Andrea Bahoric | PennDOT Center for Program Development and Management | PennDOT Central Office |
Matt Bjorkman | SAP&DC | RTTC Chair |
Steve Howsare | SAP&DC | Regional Planning Commission |
Non-Voting Members
Name | Organization | Committee Role |
Lee Slusser | SAP&DC | Regional Planning Commission |
Anne Stitch | PennDOT District 9-0 | Huntingdon County Representative – Vice Chair |
Jaclyn Himmelwright | PennDOT District 9-0 | Bedford County Representative |
Gene Prochiniak | Federal Highway Administration | FHWA Consultant/Advisor |
Brian Fochtman | Somerset County Commissioner | Somerset County Representative |
Mark Tobin | PennDOT Center for Program Development and Management | PennDOT Central Office |
Steve Howsare | SAP&DC | Regional Planning Commission |
RTCC Minutes