SAP&DC serves as the Rural Planning Organization (RPO) responsible for transportation planning and programming in partnership with PennDOT and the four rural counties of Bedford, Fulton, Huntingdon, and Somerset.
The RTTC provides technical advice, assistance, and recommendations to the Rural Transportation Coordinating Committee (RTCC) in carrying out the responsibilities of the Southern Alleghenies RPO.
The RTTC includes 16 voting members:
- 4 County Planning Directors, one from each rural county
- 1 Representative (4 total) from each rural county – appointed by county commissioners
- 1 Representative from PennDOT District 9-0
- 1 Representative from PennDOT Central Office
- 2 Representatives from SAP&DC
- 1 Representative from public transportation/transit
- 2 Representatives from aviation, rail, or freight
- 1 Representative from non-motorized transportation
Rick Suder | Bedford County Planning Commission | Bedford County Appointed Representative |
Stephanie Clevenstine | Bedford County Planning Commission | Bedford County Planning Director |
Julia Dovey | Fulton County Partnership, Inc. | Fulton County Appointed Representative |
**TBA** | Fulton County Planning Commission | Fulton County Planning Director |
Debra Clark | Huntingdon County Business and Industry | Huntingdon County Appointed Representative |
Laurie Nearwood | Huntingdon County Planning Commission | Huntingdon County Planning Director |
Stew Neff | Warriors Mark Township – Huntingdon | Municipal Representative |
**TBA** | Somerset | Municipal Representative |
**TBA** | Fulton | Municipal Representative |
Donald Hedge | Broad Top Township – Bedford | Municipal Representative |
Cathie Beal | Somerset County Parks and Trails Director | Non-Motorized Transportation |
Frank Hampton | PennDOT Center for Program Dev. & Mgmt. | PennDOT Central Office |
Jim Pruss | PennDOT District 9-0 | PennDOT Local |
Mike Villeneuve | Somerset County Transportation System |
Somerset County Appointed Representative |
Ronald Rabena | Huntingdon County Rail Authority | Rail |
Matt Bjorkman | SAP&DC | Regional Planning Commission |
Lee Slusser | SAP&DC | Regional Planning Commission |
Chadd Sines | Somerset County Planning Commission | Somerset County Planning Director |
RTTC Minutes