SAWDB Executive Committee

SAWDB Executive Committee

The SAWDB Executive Committee acts on behalf of the Workforce Investment Board between the quarterly meetings of the SAWDB.  It has the authority to make adjustments to the budget, approve expenditures, and in general exercise all duties as outlined in the SAWDB’s Operating Guidelines.  Its membership is made up of six private sector representatives, one from each member county, and four non-private sector representatives.  The Chair and Vice Chair must come from the private sector; elections to the Executive Committee occur each May at the SAWDB’s annual meeting.


Jesper Nielsen (Chair) Croyle-Nielsen Therapeutic Associates
Cory Sisto (Vice-Chair) IFC Services
Robert Parsons B & B Designed Systems
Julia Brulia Gateway Travel Plaza
Brock Kull Manpower Inc. of Altoona
Sharon Clapper Clapper Industries, Inc.
Rosalie Danchanko Johnstown Free Medical Clinic
Craig Scheild Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Keith Baker Bureau of Workforce Partnership and Operations
Wendy Melius Center for Community Action

Executive Committee Minutes

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